Tuesday, October 7, 2008


The word 'Wealth' comes in many forms and is used in different ways. Some might say that wealth is the amount of ones personal riches, others might say it is the amount of fortune presented to a person. I do agree that wealth very well means ones financial power, however, the most profuse of the two dwindling derivatives is kept within the wealth of well being.
If we trace wealth back to its roots, we see that it is a derivative from the word 'weal' which means 'well being'. this form of wealth tries to make it clear to individuals that wealth is not necessarily attained from money only. On the contrary, money may be able to solve a vast amount of problems such as transportation, housing, leisure and other personal types of fetish. Money does bring in comfort, fun, power and respect, but it is also said that money is the harbinger and root of all evil.
This claim is true on most levels as money can turn even the most innocent soul into a ravenous usurper. Where there is need, there will be money; where there money, there is evil.
But most people do not take a moment to think about things in life other than money. They believe that only money can solve their problems. They do not give stop and look around them to see how fortunate they are to be blessed with the things they are with. For instance, have you ever took some time to be grateful for the gift of sight? Many people have been blinded by money its vices that they have forgotten the simple things that make life worth living, such as the ability to walk,talk, too see objects and even smell the aroma of spices in food. They forget about the family and even the gift of a clean bill of health that is with them. Money isn't everything in the world, even though some beg to differ.
Money CAN buy happiness........ But the happiness is very limited, so if ya have the money, just splurge a little while its still there........

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